About Us
The society is a Manx registered charity devoted solely to Manx residents who suffer from low vision through macular degeneration or anyone interested in learning more. We produce a regular newsletter about all things Macular which is free to anyone who wishes to receive it. We also meet at 1100 hrs on a regular basis on the third Friday in the month at Sight Matters, used to be called the Manx Blind Welfare Society, Corrin Court Haywood Avenue Onchan IM3 3AP tel 674727 . Each meeting has an invited and relevant speaker giving a 30 minute presentation, followed by the members meeting to chat over a cup of tea or coffee.
Contact can be made by writing to our registered address which is:
10 Clifton Drive
Tel: 01624 813774
Mobile: 07624 491234
Email: assistance@macular.im
Or, by completing the form on the contact page